A Brief Explanation of Mr. Subramanian’s Accent

The simple if mildly scandalous truth was that his accent
              changed.  Close attention to its
timbre might allow a new faith in the fact of
              continuous revision; accent not an
indisputable centre but a desire, an attuning beyond
              certainty sprung in that lush early
valley of surplus identity, a valley where decision was
              unashamed and the real accent was
on how and when and whether 
time became hard or supple 
in the course of this unfolding. 

Vivek Narayanan
Vivek Narayanan's books of poems include Life and Times of Mr S and Universal Beach.  He has had held fellowships in poetry from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies, Harvard University and the Cullman Center for Writers and Scholars at the New York Public Library.  He is co-editor of Almost Island, a literary organisation and publisher.
Note: The poem starts out with a "simple" premise and proceeds to complicate it greatly, using powerful nouns to hint at the deep inner changes that migrants often experience: in faith, desire, certainty, identity, and so on.