Ellen Kombiyil is the author of Histories of the Future Perfect (2015), and a micro chapbook, Avalanche Tunnel (2016). A fellow at the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program in 2013, Kombiyil’s poetry has appeared in diode, The Moth, Muzzle, Plume, Pleiades, and The Offing. She is a four-time Pushcart Prize nominee, a Best of the Net nominee, and has read, performed or taught workshops at Split This Rock, the annual Prakriti Poetry festival in Chennai, the Raedleaf Poetry Awards in Hyderabad, and Lekhana in Bangalore. She is a co-Founder of The (Great) Indian Poetry Collective. Originally from Syracuse, New York, and a graduate of the University of Chicago and Hunter’s MFA program, she is a recent transplant from Bangalore, India, where she lived for nearly eleven years. She currently lives in New York City and teaches creative writing at Hunter College.